It happens to everyone sometime. You see those red and blue lights flashing in your rear view mirror and hear…
Think You’re Too Young To Need a Will? Think Again.
It’s no secret that families today are busy. From the carpool to endless after school activities, plus work that seems…
Pulled Over for a DWI in Texas? Here’s What To Do
Attorney Tom O’Leary handles criminal defense cases, but these days, a lot of his clients are what he calls “accidental…
Texans: Avoid a Boating Accident and a Lawsuit This Summer
It’s no secret: Texans love their boats. And why shouldn’t we? With 4,959 square miles of fresh water to enjoy,…
A New Tool May Help Police Combat Texting and Driving Accidents
Do you text and drive? Despite the fact that most people know it’s dangerous, 75 percent of drivers who own…
Why Your Job Should Offer a Legal Plan
Your job probably offers some voluntary benefits that you can choose to take advantage of, like dental, vision or life…