For many individuals, legal trouble of any kind can suddenly throw their entire life into imbalance. The high cost of legal fees, which can rack up hourly, combined with fines that sometimes increase the longer they are left unresolved, can cause severe financial inconvenience for many people. Many try to handle their own legal issues in response to these constraints, but end up becoming drained and exhausted by the process, further exacerbating the problem.
As a result of these challenging conditions, it can be a generous and ultimately cost-effective move for an employer to provide legal services for their employees, much in the same way as health and dental insurance. But how can employers gain access to a trusted legal professional for their employees, without breaking the bank themselves?
Fortunately, there are more options than hiring an individual attorney for each employee. There are many online services that can be of use, ranging from websites where consumers can post legal questions for lawyers to answer, to lawyers’ personal websites that offer information and resources. Although these resources are fairly popular (used by at least 44% of Harris Poll respondents), they will not suffice to cover the full extent of legal problems, particularly if a fairly involved case ends up going to a trial.
Luckily, there are attorney networks that offer legal plans for individuals and groups, which could be exactly the option needed to help an employee with a problematic legal issue before it goes to court or becomes a financial burden. If it seems unlikely that your employees will require legal aid, consider the following: more than 1.4 million people are arrested each year for DUI first offense. If your company employs 30 people, there’s at least a one in 10 chance that one of those employees will receive a DUI first offense during the year. Do you want that to force them to take on a second job and undermine their energy for their work for you, just to handle the repercussions of this event? Attaining prepaid legal insurance from an attorney network can put you in a position to help your employees in these situations and earn even greater loyalty and productivity from them in return.
An attorney network is a great option for business owners and managers looking for ways to incentivize their work environment and keep their employees functioning well. We hope this article has persuaded you to consider the option of hiring these services.