Most people have some legal issue they’re concerned about, whether it’s a simple legal question or a complex legal issue. Whatever it is, your legal plan is here to help.
Seasonal scams to avoid through the holidays
reality is that we need to watch out for seasonal scams. Unfortunately, fraudsters don’t take time off. Some of them specifically set their sights on us during this time of year.
Adoption: Pathways to Family
When looking to start or grow your family, there are many options including adoption. But within adoption, there are many more pathways to creating your forever family.
Identity Theft and Adoption: 3 Things to Know
During the adoption process, you can request your child’s social security number and name to be changed. This is the best chance to keep your child’s identity protected from nefarious activity.
The Basics: Pre & Postnuptial Agreements
Pre and postnuptial agreements are not just for the rich and famous, many couples can benefit from these agreements. If your spouse takes out a credit card without your knowledge, under Texas law, you are both responsible for that debt- unless you have a prenup in place
Divorce & Finances: The Ultimate Checklist of Financial Documents
One way to bring a small measure of order to the often chaotic process of divorce is to properly prepare…