Did you know that roughly 42 percent of all marriages in the U.S. end in divorce? And for those entering second marriages, the risks are even higher, with nearly 60 percent ending in a split. That being said, divorce can be a difficult and painful process to undergo. And while 66 percent of all divorced couples are childless, those who do have children are put through the financial and emotionally harrowing process of custody battles and messy divorces.
Luckily, divorce can be a less draining and financially straining process with the help of legal services. If you’re looking to find a lawyer, consider doing what many people do: take to the Internet. Nearly half (44 percent) of people report checking a lawyer’s website before hiring them.
But why does divorce even happen in the first place? No one enters a marriage expecting to untie the knot years later. Read on to learn the most common reasons couples get divorced:
Divorce Reason #1: Financial Troubles
A recent study showed that couples who argue over financial problems at least once a week are as much as 30 percent more likely to get divorced compared to those who bicker about it a few times a month. Indeed, money can certainly make things complicated. Not only is it necessary to thrive and exist comfortably, but it also has cultural implications, as money is associated with status and self-worth. And when children are involved, finances become even more of a strain. This is often why affordable legal help is essential for many a divorce.
Divorce Reason #2: Adultery
According to participants in mediation groups, a quarter of people attribute their split to affairs. However, affairs are usually just a symptom of a larger problem, such as lack of intimacy or disappointed expectations. And a recent study showed that women often divorce men because romantic and spiritual expectations were not met. This might be why women file for two-thirds of all divorces.
Divorce Reason #3: A Lack of Intimacy
In the same mediation group listed above, 80 percent of couples listed lack of intimacy and communication as the reason they got divorced. Indeed, distance from your partner is often a reason that many people get divorced.
If you are going through a divorce, don’t hesitate to get legal help to guide you through your journey.