Sign Up For Your Free Identity Theft Benefits

Texas Legal wants to protect you and your family, and we’re excited to be able to offer identity theft protection and monitoring to every one of our members and anyone named on their plan. But in order to access the great credit monitoring and identity theft restoration coverage through Experian IdentityWorks you have to sign up!
If you previously had identity theft monitoring and protection with AllClearID, we need you to re-sign up with Experian. Please take a few moments to do this simple process to ensure your identity remains protected!
How to Enroll in Free Experian IdentityWorks Credit Monitoring
Your ID theft coverage needs to be activated so that Experian can start monitoring for any potential identity thieves. Here’s how to activate your benefits:
- Go to and enter your code: TexasLegal
- On the next page, complete the enrollment process.
- Once you are enrolled, you can also expand your protection by adding credit card and bank accounts, your drivers license number, passport and medical ID information. Use the “Child Monitoring” tab in the Experian dashboard to add any minor children to your account.
- Have a spouse or children over 18 on your plan? They’ll need to sign up with their own account. Make sure to clear your cookies if you’re signing up on the same device.
Don’t want to enroll online? Having trouble signing up? No problem. You can call Experian directly at 1-877-534-7034 and use the engagement number DB12399.
How Experian IdentityWorks Protects Your Identity
There are several layers of protection to Experian’s IdentityWorks service, including credit monitoring, credit reports, internet surveillance, identity restoration and theft insurance. Here’s a short summary of each:
Credit Monitoring and Reports Experian will monitor your credit file for signs of fraud and alert you when it occurs. You also have access to a daily credit report so you can see what information it contains and your current credit score with Experian.
Internet Surveillance: Constant monitoring of the dark web, chat rooms and bulletin boards to identify anyone trying to trade or sell your personal information.
Identity Restoration: If you become a victim of identity theft, identity restoration experts are immediately available to help you address both credit and non-credit-related fraud.
$1 Million Identity Theft Insurance Coverage: provides coverage for certain costs and unauthorized electronic fund transfers.
All of these services are free to Texas Legal members, but you have to enroll!
Every Plan, Every Member.
If you’re a Texas Legal member on any plan, you and any family members on your plan now have ID theft benefits.
Experian IdentityWorks Credit Monitoring
Your accounts will be constantly monitored for suspicious activity and you’ll be alerted when it occurs.
Constant Surveillance on the Dark Web
Experian looks out for your information being traded or sold on the dark web.
Child ID Theft Protection
Children are especially vulnerable to ID theft. Get help protecting your family by adding your kids to your profile.
ID Theft Restoration
Been the victim of identity theft? Get a specialist’s help restoring your identity from start to finish.
Learn More About Your Benefits
For more information about your new Experian IdentityWorks benefits, visit our blog, The Lone Star Advocate and read about New ID Theft Benefits for Every Texas Legal Member.